Articles here do not necessarily represent official UBF teaching or any other UBF member or ex members point of view
Most western and most Eastern women are horrible people who have the potential to be good as are most men. Most of their bad actions are the result of their faith in authority figures right to rule over other people. I am going to explain perceived cultural trends that may deceive a man into a State marriage certificate because of the perceived superior nature of foreign women and how in the end signing one of these marriage contracts to get a spouse is not usually worth it for the man, specifically how UBF enslaves men to elders through the threat of their wife divorcing them.
I am not talking about all Asian women, White women, Asian men, white men, etc! I am not as familiar with cultures other than Asian or Eastern cultures and European or White cultures in UBF so have no comment about them here.
UBF and society at large creates the illlusion that these Korean and other Asian women are submissive and make good spouses but often they are submissive to higher ranking UBF members than their spouses first. Asian women outside UBF are often submissive to their biological relatives before their husbands and will funnel money overseas or locally to their parents, even if they do not funnel money they will often obey their parents, legislators, clergy, (and possibly also women's magazine authors and TV show hosts for women if they are westernized) and other authority figures who have a high perceived social value first before their husband instead of making moral judgments for themselves.
They then pedal this false perception of higher value women from UBF to persuade men to marry women in UBF
There was a Korean woman in UBF who found out I was interested in a white woman and mocked white women as being slutty and said I should go for Korean women instead because they are better. She then later said she would not marry me when we were matched and said, "You don't make a lot of money, you are not charming and are not handsome, and it is better anyway we don't get married one of the elders supports it and the other opposes it."
Although I liked spending time with her before that and it was a little painful, I am so glad I did not marry her.
She did not look at the moral content of my behavior and my teachings, but 1 my money, 2 my body and 3 how deceitfully entertaining my dishonest flirting can be, I mean how charming I am (proverbs 31:30 says charm is deceptive or deceitful
I think she would have married me if two out of two elders agree but not if one out of two agreed. That means if she did marry me she would obey her elders before obeying me or making moral judgments for herself. She would not really have married me because she loved me.
If I signed a marriage contract with her she would always have been obeying the elders orders and she could have a constant threat to divorce me and take child custody money over my head if I did not do things the way the elders want. It can be a unspoken but implied threat.
I am not dissing matchmaking. I believe two people can marry each other for love through a matchmaker without dating and simply a very long single discussion to see if their goals and values meet but not through marriage by faith, it is different than matchmaking it is a control mechanism.
I strongly advise you never to sign a marriage contract if you marry a woman in most cases. Unfortunately that often puts foreign women off the table as an option unless they earn their own United States (or whatever country you are from) citizenship through means other than marriage. They can quit their job once they earned the citizenship and become a full time stay at home mom if that is what you prefer as a couple. This is a good way to test the real motivation a woman has to marry you.
As for marrying women who are not foreigners you have less reasons to sign a marriage contract recognized by the United States, so I would generally recommend not to
Anyone who insists you need the states certification to be married worships the state and not Jesus.
As for women interested in marrying a man from UBF if he does not deny the elder obeying doctrines you find most offensive and you think you can change him and still like him, if you want you can insist only on marrying with a marriage certificate than if he tries obeying the elders instead of making moral judgments for himself, explain from now on I expect you to stop putting the elders at a higher value than me or I will take half your money and the children, act like a real man and make decisions for yourself based on sound moral judgments consulting me as a couple.
As for truly enlightened men of moral character a woman might not be able to get such a man to sign a state marriage certificate and if he does not delegate some other authority figure as a priority before listening to you or making his own judgments for himself, you might marry him without forcing him to sign such a contract.
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