Picture accessed online 2017 March 26
Imagine if someone threatened you with a gun so you obeyed everything they said. Later they said you were never coerced because the gun was never loaded. Imagine if someone verbally threatened to blow up your house if you did not obey everything they said. Later they said you consented free from a threat of loss because their were no explosives and then later you found out there was no house in the first place! Marriage by faith is not the same as matchmaking because an element of fraud is added to threaten either punishment from God or a loss of reward from God for not complying.
Rape by deception is a crime in which the perpetrator has the victim's agreement and compliance, but gains it through deception or fraudulent statements or actions.
Source accessed online 2018 January 17
Now imagine if one person raped another person and you could clarify it was rape because of a loaded gun to the person's head. But what if the gun was unloaded, surely the threat of imminent danger would only be imagined, one might even argue it was not rape because no real threat of physical harm was presented the victim only imagined a danger. Would you accept such an argument in court as a juror?
Now when a man married a woman by faith he is not raping her because he himself was threatened nor is the woman raping the man for she herself was threatened.
I am calling it rape via a third party because the Pastor is coercing them to get married through a fraudulent threat, and he knows they will have sex so he is forcing two other people to have sex with each other against both of their wills even though he just watches them get married knowing what is about to happen.
That is really sick entertainment for people to rejoice in watching this trickery. It reminds me of fraternity and seniority hazing, how they enjoy watching someone else going through the same abuse they went through as part of a club or in this case a church
One might argue no marriage by faith is not rape because married people do not have to have sex with each other. But if they don't marriage by faith is forced celibacy at gun point because they are not permitted to have sex with anyone else for life or else there will be divine consequences.
Now one might argue if a man or a woman is given the opportunity to be matched with someone they like that it would be a sin for them to marry that person knowing how the matchmaking process was just argued to be rape via a third party but I do not think it is so simple as that
The question is would that person be willing to marry them if they were not under threat of coercion by those who teach marriage by faith
If someone was assigned to someone else and they explained to that person why marriage by faith is a false doctrine if the person they liked disbelieved them and reported them to a authority figure even though they actually wanted to marry that person they might now feel coerced not to marry the person they truly wanted to and be coerced into marrying someone else they do not want to.
This issue is much more complicated than it seems perhaps the best solution would be to ask that person if he or she would really want to marry them even if God did not reveal a specific individual but permitted them to choose anyone they want but I am afraid the person could not comprehend this question or could not believe that is how it really works being so engrained by the marriage by faith mindset.
Another difficult question is although it is rape via a third party if the threat issued by the third party was sincerely believed by the third party because someone else before them convinced them are they guilty of the rape via a third party or is it the person before them who taught them this doctrine
Anyway after reading this article and enough information and observing enough UBF practices they would be guilty at the point they know better if they continue to spread the lie
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